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The rise of CTV offers new opportunities to engage audiences and leverage location intelligence to add a layer of precision and effectiveness to media campaigns. The auction-based model in CTV, combined with the power and precision of location data, can drive performance and help optimize campaign investments. SEO

Programmatic buying in CTV: The auction advantage for enhanced campaign performance

25 June 2024, Tuesday | By: Adsquare
2 min read
Programmatic Buying - Laura Quach
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Authored by: Laura Quach

The rise of CTV offers new opportunities to engage audiences and leverage location intelligence to add a layer of precision and effectiveness to media campaigns. The auction-based model in CTV, combined with the power and precision of location data, can drive performance and help optimize campaign investments.

The programmatic advantage

CTV has revolutionized content consumption, offering a unique blend of traditional TV’s broad reach with the precision of programmatic advertising. With the increasing adoption of streaming services and smart devices, CTV provides marketers the opportunity to develop targeted and measurable ad campaigns that reach audiences on the largest screen in their homes. Below are some key advantages to programmatic buying in CTV.:

1. Dynamic allocation and Real-Time Bidding (RTB)

  • Insight: RTB enables the dynamic allocation of ad impressions, ensuring ads are placed where they’ll be most effective, maximizing ad spend efficiency.
  • Strategy: Execute an adaptive bidding approach, adjusting in real time based on the levels of audience engagement and campaign performance.

2. Advanced audience targeting

  • Insight: The value in CTV lies in the ability to segment audiences on a granular level based on demographics, psychographics and geo-context, which enables higher conversion rates.
  • Strategy: Build out detailed audience personas based on demographic and psychographic indicators, and layer in geo-contextual datasets like weather, or time of day.

3. Enhanced transparency and control

  • Insight: Buying media programmatically allows for transparency and enhanced control of campaign performance.
  • Strategy: Identify a measurement solution that works for you early on. CTV enables you to reach audiences at home with dynamic messages, which can also be retargeted on smaller screens to drive web traffic. Create detailed reports analyzing web traffic patterns from small devices before, during and after a CTV campaign to understand the channel’s impact in driving this key KPI.
Leveraging location intelligence for enhanced targeting

Integrating location data into your programmatic CTV strategy can significantly enhance targeting precision, relevance, and overall campaign performance. Here’s how:

1. Location-based audience insights

  • Insight: Location data tells you a lot about your audience’s behavior, preferences and actions.
  • Strategy: Your main message may be delivered to your audience’s CTV devices, but understanding where, when and how they move around geographies when not home can help you retarget them on outdoor screens when they are at work for instance.

2. Personalized and contextual messaging

  • Insight: The power of location data lies in the contextuality of the messages you’re able to craft based on your audience’s geographic context.
  • Strategy: Develop an array of dynamic messages that can be adapted based on the viewer’s location. Is it storming in a certain audience’s current city? Deliver messages that speak to the rainy day. Perhaps your airline is running a promotion. A rainy day is the perfect time to share flight deals to a recently launched tropical destination.

3. Measurement and attribution

  • Insight: With location data you’re able to enhance measurement and attribution tactics by connecting the dots between ad exposure and store visits.
  • Strategy: Implement a footfall measurement solution to measure the impact of CTV campaigns on driving store visits. If you’re an automotive brand promoting a new vehicle line, consider incorporating footfall data to understand how many new visitors come to your dealerships for test-drives during and after your campaign.
Strategic recommendations for maximizing campaign performance 

1. Utilize cross-device targeting

  • In this day and age, consumers have multiple screens, so you need to reach them on most, if not all. Implement strategies that reach viewers across these devices, retargeting those who watched your CTV ad with a follow up promotion to reinforce the message.

2. Embrace creative optimization

  • Your creative strategy should be as dynamic as your targeting strategy. Invest in creative development, testing and optimization to tailor content to different segments and screen sizes. This improves engagement and effectiveness while ensuring the creative is of high quality and relevance to maximize consumer experience. 

3. Adopt incrementality testing

  • Incrementality testing enables the measurement of true CTV campaign impact. Comparing the performance of exposed vs. control groups helps to quantify the incremental lift generated by your promotions to better help refine budget spend and allocation.
Privacy at the forefront

I’d be remiss if I did not take a moment to touch on the role of privacy in CTV advertising. Our industry is on a mission to maintain the integrity of consumer privacy as we continue to leverage data to inform and drive our advertising initiatives. CTV advertising adheres to strict privacy standards by nature. The audience data used is aggregated and connected to geographical information, ensuring no Personally Identifiable Information (PII)’s are utilized. This privacy-safe approach allows you to target effectively while protecting user privacy. It’s important that we keep this in mind as it is equally important that privacy is at the front of our minds when planning and executing data-driven targeting.

Connecting the dots

Programmatic buying of CTV, enhanced with location intelligence, offers powerful advantages for marketers. By leveraging real-time bidding, cost efficiency, advanced targeting, and location data, you’re on the way to improving campaign performance for your clients. Embrace these strategies to stay ahead of the curve and deliver impactful, data-driven advertising that resonates with today’s connected viewers.

Get in touch

If you’re looking for powerful location-intelligence based solutions to maximize your campaigns across CTV and other digital channels, complete the form below and my colleagues will be in touch!

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Adsquare empowers companies to supercharge their campaigns in the new era of consumer privacy. Our editorial staff regularly publishes whitepapers, opinion pieces, success stories, or best practices for you to stay at the fore-front of data-driven marketing.