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An Introduction to Data-Driven OOH Solutions by Adsquare

26 October 2021, Tuesday | By: Adsquare
10 min read
intro to data driven ooh
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About Adsquare

Adsquare empowers companies to supercharge their campaigns in the new era of consumer privacy. Our editorial staff regularly publishes whitepapers, opinion pieces, success stories, or best practices for you to stay at the fore-front of data-driven marketing.

Adsquare’s CEO and Co-Founder, Tom Laband, answers some key questions on our Data-Driven Out-of-Home Solutions. Check out his answers in the video or read the interview below. For even more input you can download our Whitepaper on the Data-Driven Transformation of Out-of-Home

What services does Adsquare provide for the OOH industry?
Adsquare’s OOH solutions allow for data-driven OOH planning and programmatic data activation in real-time – all actionable via our self-service tool that is fully integrated with all leading DSPs globally. 

What data does Adsquare use for DOOH?
Adsquare aggregates three types of datasets. Combined, these datasets make up our data-driven OOH solutions. These include: spatial data, audience data and movement data. 

Spatial data describes a place; it is not personally identifiable data, it is aggregated and anonymised data, such as points of interest (POI), weather data, census, to name just a few.

Audience data, on the other end, is personally identifiable data. Technically it is tight to Mobile Advertising IDs (MAIDs) and it describes a person with his or her sociodemographics, interests, behaviours and intensions. 

Last but not least, movement data describes how people move throughout the real world, it is background location data that we pick from SDKs.

Do you have an example of a programmatic DOOH campaign using this data triad?
Yes, we have a very interesting case study involving the client McDonald’s, the agency OMD and The Trade Desk as DSP partner. What was the goal of the campaign? McDonald’s wanted to increase store visits to its McAuto pick-up service points. What we first did was: first, we uploaded all available poster inventory into our OOH tool; second, we allowed the agency to define a desired audience and third, our platform calculated index values for exactly that desired audience on an hourly level for any poster available. Last but not least, we activated these index values pre-bid via our partner The Trade Desk. We activated such segments programmatically. The results were amazing: we increased store visits for McDonald’s  by 75% and all partners were very happy with it. 

Click here to download our whitepaper on the data-driven transformation of OOH advertising.

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About Adsquare

Adsquare empowers companies to supercharge their campaigns in the new era of consumer privacy. Our editorial staff regularly publishes whitepapers, opinion pieces, success stories, or best practices for you to stay at the fore-front of data-driven marketing.