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Cracking the code of consumer preferences: Actionable insights for leveraging CTV to engage your audiences

13 June 2024, Thursday | By: Adsquare
5 min read
Cracking the code of consumer preferences: Actionable insights for leveraging CTV to engage your audiences
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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, understanding and engaging consumer preferences is more crucial than ever. With the rise of Connected TV (CTV), advertisers have an unprecedented opportunity to connect with their audiences in a more dynamic and personalised way. CTV combines the reach of traditional television with the precision of digital advertising, offering brands a unique platform to deliver targeted content. Recent studies indicate that CTV ad spending in the U.S. alone is expected to reach $42.4 billion by 2027 according to Statista, further highlighting its growing significance in the advertising world. 

This blog will explore how leveraging CTV can unlock new opportunities into understanding consumer behaviour, enabling marketers to craft more engaging and relevant campaigns that resonate with their target audiences. 

Engaging audiences on CTV

CTV has revolutionised the way we consume media, offering a blend of traditional TV viewing with the interactivity of digital platforms. For advertisers, CTV presents a golden opportunity to reach highly engaged audiences in a non-disruptive manner. By integrating ads into relevant content and using precise targeting techniques, advertisers can ensure their messages are seen by the right people at the right time.

That said, to cut through the noise, advertisers must prioritise the consumer experience. This means creating ads that are not only relevant but also add value to the viewer. By crafting narratives that resonate emotionally with audiences, advertisers can build deeper connections and foster brand loyalty.

CTV is the preferred entertainment platform across Europe, with 80% of users favouring it over linear TV according to ShowHeroes. The flexibility, range of content, and ease of use that CTV offers are key reasons why 62% of users have cut the cord to linear TV based on insights from Performance Marketing World. This high engagement level provides an advertiser-friendly environment where viewers are in the ideal mental state for remembering messages.

Consider a scenario where an automotive brand wants to target potential car buyers for their latest electric vehicle model. Using CTV, the brand can leverage data insights to serve personalised ads to viewers who have previously shown interest in automotive content, visited car dealerships, and have interests revolving around environmental protection and consciousness. This level of precision not only increases ad relevance but also drives higher engagement and conversion rates.

Harness the power of contextual advertising

One additional powerful strategy is contextual advertising, which involves placing ads within relevant content that aligns with the viewer’s interests and behaviours. Unlike traditional advertising methods, contextual advertising leverages data to deliver personalised experiences without the need for intrusive data collection. This approach not only upholds consumer privacy but also enhances the relevance and impact of ads.

For example, imagine a viewer engrossed in a cooking show on a CTV device. By placing an ad for kitchen gadgets within this context, the advertisement feels natural and engaging, enhancing the viewer’s experience rather than interrupting it.

Moving forward: Actionable insights
  • Leverage contextual advertising: Embrace the power of contextual advertising to deliver relevant and engaging ads that align with consumer interests.
  • Utilise data-driven strategies: Harness the power of data to understand consumer preferences and behaviours, enabling precise audience targeting.
  • Optimise for CTV: Take advantage of the growing popularity of CTV to reach engaged audiences with tailored ad experiences.
  • Focus on consumer value: Ensure that your ads add value to the viewer’s experience, fostering positive associations with your brand.
  • Tell compelling stories: Use storytelling techniques to create emotional connections with your audience, enhancing engagement and loyalty.

In the rapidly changing realm of digital marketing, cracking the code of consumer preferences through CTV is not just an opportunity but a necessity for brands aiming to stay ahead. By embracing contextual advertising, leveraging data-driven strategies, and focusing on consumer value, marketers can craft compelling, relevant ad experiences that foster deeper connections and drive higher engagement. The precision and flexibility of CTV make it an indispensable tool for modern advertisers looking to navigate the complexities of consumer behaviour. 

Get in touch

Our location-intelligence experts are here to guide your strategies and approach to leveraging powerfyl data-driven targeting solutions to maximise your CTV campaign expenditure. Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch.

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About Adsquare

Adsquare empowers companies to supercharge their campaigns in the new era of consumer privacy. Our editorial staff regularly publishes whitepapers, opinion pieces, success stories, or best practices for you to stay at the fore-front of data-driven marketing.